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Working with Assessment Codes

In order for a Learner to access an Assessment or view their results in the Assessment Tool, they need to have been given an Assessment Code by an Educator or Administrator with access to the Assessment.

The Assessment Code is a unique combination of six letters and numbers, that links a specific Learner to a specific Assessment in the Assessment Tool. As a result it is important that:

  • Only the Learner knows this code, and that they do not give this code to anyone else; and
  • Care is taken that Learners are not accidentally given the wrong code.

There are several ways in which the Learner can be given their code.

Emailing Assessment Codes

If a Learner (or Learners) has an email address registered in the Assessment Tool, you can email the codes directly from the Assessment Tool. To do this:

  1. View the Assessment details by selecting the Assessment name from your Home tab or the Assessments tab.
  2. Select the Learner or Learners to whom you wish to send their Assessment Code(s).
  3. From the Manage Assessment Codes panel in the side menu, select Email Assessment Code(s).
  4. The Assessment Tool will confirm that Assessment Codes have been sent. If no e-mail address is held in the Assessment Tool for a Learner, you will receive a confirmation message of which Learners could not have their Assessment Codes sent by e-mail. If this happens, you will need to make a note of these Learners, and give them their Assessment Codes using one of the other methods available.

Adding a message to the Assessment Code Email

When Assessment Codes are sent by email, the Assessment Code information is contained in a standardised email format. While you cannot edit the content of this e-mail, you can add some information below the standard content. An example of when this might be useful is, for example, where you wish to advise Learners who will sit the Assessment that they will do so in a particular computer lab.

To send a message with the Assessment Code:

  1. View the Assessment details by selecting the Assessment name from your Home tab or the Assessments tab.
  2. Select the Learner or Learners to whom you wish to send their Assessment Code(s).
  3. From the Manage Assessment Codes panel in the side menu, select Email Assessment Code(s) with Message.
  4. You will be shown the message screen, where you can enter up to 1000 characters to be included below the standard email to Learners. You can include line breaks (by pressing the Return key) but not HTML tags.
  5. When you have entered your message, select Send Email.
  6. The Assessment Tool will confirm that Assessment Codes have been sent. If no e-mail address is held in the Assessment Tool for a Learner, you will receive a confirmation message of which Learners could not have their Assessment Codes sent by e-mail. If this happens, you will need to make a note of these Learners, and give them their Assessment Codes using one of the other methods available.

Note: If a message was previously sent to Learners, the message area will be pre-populated with this content.

Downloading Assessment Codes

As an alternative to emailing directly from the Assessment Tool, you can download the Assessment Codes in a preformatted PDF ,which can then be cut up and handed to each Learner. Alternatively you can download the Assessments in the form of a Comma Delimited value file, which you could then use in a mail merge, or SMS broadcast application.

To download the Assessment Codes:

  1. View the Assessment details by selecting the Assessment name from your Home tab or the Assessments tab.
  2. From the Print Assessment Codes panel in the side menu, either select Export as PDF or Export as CSV.

Printing Assessment Codes

Printing the Assessment Codes for an Assessment is as simple as downloading the Assessment Codes in PDF or CSV format, then printing them on your local computer. Note, however, that the PDF version of the Assessment Codes has been formatted specifically to allow for cutting them into slips for distribution to Learners. As a consequence, the CSV version may not print with the desired format unless you spend some time formatting it in an application such as Microsoft Excel.

Resetting Assessment Codes

There may be occasions when the Assessment Codes need to be reset (i.e. a new Assessment Code must be generated for one or more Learners). This may happen when a particular Assessment Code has been lost, or compromised in some other way that may indicate the possibility that another Learner has received it.

Assessment Codes can be reset for a single Learner or an entire Assessment, depending on your requirements.

To reset one or more Assessment Codes:

  1. View the Assessment details by selecting the Assessment name from your Home tab or the Assessments tab.
  2. Select the Learner or Learners whose Assessment Code(s) you wish to reset.
  3. From the Manage Assessment Codes panel in the side menu, select Reset Assessment Code(s).
  4. The Assessment Tool will confirm how many Assessment Codes have been reset.
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